What does it mean to be a young UN professional? How do we define UN’s overarching identity and cultural values? These questions are at the heart of the Young UN Identity project. The project aims at exploring different aspects, dimensions and affiliations that form the UN identity. As such, it tries to capture values, principles, motivations, interests, and expectations etc. that drive and constitute the organizational and cultural identity of the UN seen from the lens of its young professionals.

The project seeks to better understand how the UN identity is formed, whether there is one identity, or multiple identities, that can be interlinked and merged into a vision that can serve as an overarching UN social fabric.

The proposed format is to use social media channels, tools and fora through which UN staff will given the opportunity to voice their ideas and views on a common UN identity. One planned initiative is an Instagram series that published one portray of a young UN member of affiliate per month.

We have already started a blog series with the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation:

The UN we want (and that the world needs)

You can read the latest Young UN blog here :

My UN changes for the better

The “Impact Talks” is another initiative related to the identity project.

If you are interested in sharing your ideas or taking actively part in this project, please reach out to young.un.info@gmail.com

Young UN is looking to be inspired by your ideas! You can find more info here