“UN conferences can be held without huge meeting rooms but not without interpreters”

Photo © UNODC / Mengting Li

I work on remote participation in conferences. At the moment we are the only organization in the U.N that provides multilingual interpreted remote participation that is accepted by interpreters. While working with them, I was very surprised to find out that interpreters have to listen, think and speak at the same time and it is mentally damaging if not limited to short bursts.”

“Is everything coming the faster the better? Keep going in your way at your pace”

Photo © UNODC / Mengting Li

At school there was one straight way to achieve success and everyone followed it: the best went faster and scored better than the rest. Working for the UN has shown me that there are multiple ways of reaching a goal: it is possible to take a different path and still get there. I used to be dismissive of what I considered suboptimal approaches, but not anymore.”

“Being a citizen of the world, I’m home wherever I am”

Photo © UNODC / Mengting Li

I was born in Barcelona, Spain, then lived in Geneva, Switzerland, London, England and Sydney, Australia, then back to Barcelona and now Geneva again, so I have almost gone full circle. I have three nationalities, yet I don’t quite miss a thing from any place as I feel that I am a citizen of the world. One thing that has happened that has touched me? Being a father to my two daughters… every day.”

“I am able to understand better why people react in a certain way and I have become less prejudiced.”

Photo © UNODC / Mengting Li

I have always wanted to work for the United Nations. A dream came true and I feel that this experience has made me more open to new ideas and different mentalities. I am able to, at least, understand more clearly, why people react in a certain way and I have become less prejudiced.

I come from Livadeia, a small town in central Greece, where the sunlight is so special that I find it the best way to start a day. I miss it along with my family and my friends.”